Saturday, September 17, 2005

Honey and Clover Ep 14

Mayama dreams of Rika in his sleep and senses that she called out his name. When he wakes up, he sees Takemoto sleeping beside him and feels moody about not having a woman instead. Due to the fact that there's only Mayama and Takemoto living in the apartment block now, Takemoto comes to Mayama's room at times for company and the latter allows him to use his aircon and other appliances just like what Morita used to do.

Takemoto, Yamada and Hagu have soba at Hanamoto's apartment courtesy of Takemoto's ex-roommate, Hasegawa who has taken over his family's soba business. In addition, using his expertise as an arts graduate, Hasegawa had produced special dining utensils for the soba which can even be ordered through the Internet where the media and travel guides scramble to recommend his shop. Yamada is inspired by Hasegawa's success and feels that she should work harder. This reminds Hanamoto of a conversation he had with Yamada's dad in the past where he felt that Yamada would be able to make the family business a success if she teams up with her elder brother.

In Mayama's company, Fujiwara Design, his colleagues tease him for not having a girlfriend and waking up to find his roommate (Takemoto) beside him. Miwako asks if Mayama had dreamt of his ex-girlfriend but Mayama says that things between them i.e. referring to him and Rika are not looking well. Miwako says that this might not be the case as there is this explanation that someone appears in your dream because that person is missing you which makes Mayama if this is possible. Just then, another colleague, Nomiya enters the office and gets Mayama and Yamazaki to go together for the presentation to a client.

The guys manage to clinch the deal and prepare to return to the office for a celebration. As they pass by a park, Mayama fails to notice that Rika is also around with Asai and that she doesn't want to greet Mayama since he seems to be doing well. However, Mayama gets the feeling that he might have seen Rika just now and returns to the park but cannot find her.

Mayama is taking a nap in the office and happens to murmur Takemoto's name which makes his colleagues laugh at him to imply that he's a gay. Just then, their bosses who are twin brothers get into a quarrel again and they wonder if their agency might be split up due to the bosses' differences. Suddenly, Mayama's colleagues talk about Harada Design (Rika's company) and express their admiration for Harada and Rika. Miwako says that Nomiya is already close to Harada's level but he thinks that he has a long way to go. Mayama feels left out during this conversation as he is the only person who has never met Harada before.

Nomiya tells Mayama that he wishes to meet Yamada who is the creator of the pottery they used previously for one of the shops since other clients are asking for similar items. However, Mayama gives lots of excuses to stop Nomiya from meeting Yamada as Nomiya's famous for being a playboy and Mayama doesn't want him to get close to Yamada. This gets his colleagues suspicious as he's being extremely protective of Yamada.

At the summer festival, Takemoto, Hagu, Yamada, Mayama and Hanamoto are walking around the various stalls. Yamada and Hagu are at a games stall where Yamada cannot hit the rabbit soft toy with the ball. Mayama comes to their aid and gives them the rabbit soft toys which makes Yamada extremely happy.

Just then, Nomiya, Yamazaki and Miwako turn up for the festival which makes Mayama extremely disturbed. Nomiya gives the rabbit soft toy he got to Yamada and introduces himself to her since Mayama simply refuses to let them meet. Miwako and Yamazaki tell Mayama that his unnatural attitude when Yamada was mentioned made them suspicious so Nomiya raised the suggestion of meeting Yamada without giving notice.

Hanamoto tells Mayama that there is nothing wrong with introducing Nomiya to Yamada but Mayama says that Nomiya treats relationships lightly and is worried about him hurting Yamada. Although Mayama knows that he has no rights to interfere in Yamada's affairs, he hopes that she will find a good man and be happy. When Hanamoto asks Mayama what type of man is considered good to him, he gives a list of traits but Hanamoto silences him by saying that Yamada may not be happy even if she finds such a man. Hanamoto points out directly that if Mayama cannot promise to be with Yamada for the rest of her life, he doesn't have the right to decide who is good for her. Although he understands this, Mayama still hopes to protect Yamada but he's not sure at the same time whether this is just to make himself feel better for rejecting her.

Mayama goes to the school to look for Yamada and is surprised to see Nomiya and Yamazaki learning pottery from Yamada. Mayama tries to stop Nomiya from getting close to Yamada and ends up being scolded by her for criticising his seniors. Hanamoto happens to pass by the pottery room and realises that Mayama is bent on obstructing Nomiya and Yamada from developing a relationship...

Competition in the form of Nomiya appears which makes Mayama become overly protective of Yamada. He may not mean to hurt Yamada but I think this is going overboard. First of all, he rejected Yamada in the first place. By right, he doesn't have the authority to interfere in her future relationships no matter what excuses he may give. Protect her? Doesn't he realise that by poking his nose into her affairs, this might hurt her even more? It's as if he doesn't love her and yet he doesn't want someone else to love her. Or if Nomiya turns out to be the type of guy whom Mayama can accept, he will go all out to bring Nomiya and Yamada together? That's very cruel as it can be interpreted as he's trying to hold on to Yamada as a substitute while he's waiting for things between him and Rika to improve. This is two-timing. Well, Mayama doesn't seem to be such a cad but to onlookers or even Yamada herself, his actions seem to give this impression.

Next episode will see a development between Mayama and Rika which might clear up the ambiguous situation between them.

Frankly speaking, I am not in favour of Yamada being with Mayama. No matter what, I really doubt he can love Yamada wholeheartedly since he's so obsessed with Rika. It's really high time that Yamada gives up pining for someone who would not realise your worth and reciprocate your feelings. Maybe Nomiya's appearance means that she might find someone new.

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