Saturday, October 22, 2005

Honey and Clover Ep 19

Mayama goes back to Fujiwara Design and looks for his ex-colleagues since Harada Design is going to work with them on a project. To his surprise, he finds Yamada alone with Nomiya and asks why she is here. Yamada gets flustered and wants to leave despite Nomiya asking her to stay on. Mayama tries to find out the reason for Yamada's presence but Nomiya fends off his questions by saying that they should get down to work first.

After the meeting, Mayama finally gets to ask Nomiya about why Yamada had come to Fujiwara Design. Nomiya replies that she will be coming at least once a week since the company has engaged her to make pottery for them. Mayama retorts that he has never heard about this arrangement but Nomiya mocks him for trying to take care of the woman he dumped even though he has someone else in mind. Besides, there is no rule saying that Mayama should be consulted on Yamada's personal affairs. Mayama starts to get heated up and questions how Nomiya thinks of Yamada. He accuses Nomiya of trying to woo Yamada for fun and finds out that Nomiya had the intention to bring her to Takamatsu by plane if she had answered udon instead of soba in Nagano at that time. Mayama feels that he would not be so concerned about how Nomiya thinks of Yamada if the latter had been more serious about things.

Takemoto recalls how Morita and Hagu behaved when they finally had time to themselves since Morita's return. They started to throw things at one another to flaunt their achievements within this period which makes Takemoto feel that he's not been making any progress in the past year.

Takemoto returns home and sees Morita dressed as a housewife to welcome him back. He has even prepared dinner where Mayama brings back meatballs which are Takemoto's favourite. Morita says that he's happy that they can have meals together again and even thanks Takemoto for coming to send him off at the airport. Apparently, Kaoru was the one who told Morita about it and even teased him that he actually had friends who cared. Takemoto had feared that something might end when Morita returns but he's surprised to see how the latter feels happy about having him as a friend despite what he shouted at the airport.

During the cherry blossoms party, Mayama brings refreshments for his friends and sees that Morita is injured. Hanamoto reveals that Morita tried to do a bungee jump and ended up that way so he couldn't continue his 9th consecutive "concert". However, they hear music suddenly and are suprised to find that Morita refuses to give up and sings while sitting on his wheelchair so as to garner sympathy from the audience.

Miwako and Yamazaki come to look for Mayama and question why he never brought Rika along. Mayama insists that he didn't do that since Rika doesn't like such functions. At the mention of Rika, Yamada feels upset and tells Hagu that she wants to go home. Yamazaki calls Mayama to send the tipsy Yamada home.

Mayama tells Yamada to go back later after the party but she refuses to oblige after hearing that he has to return to the company later. Yamada hits Mayama and tells him to scram since he has no intention of staying on either. Just then, Nomiya appears and wants to tell Mayama that he's leaving. He remarks that Yamada and Mayama are very close but she denies it immediately. Nomiya suggests jokingly that he can send Yamada home or if she wants, they can go somewhere. Suddenly, Yamada runs up to Nomiya and hugs him tightly. She tells him to bring her away so Nomiya obliges despite Mayama's objection. As the traffic light has turned red, Mayama is unable to chase after them and can only look on helplessly.

Nomiya brings Yamada to the car park and pushes her into his car. He remarks that he doesn't like to be used for such matters and points out that Yamada had hoped that Mayama would chase after her just now. Yamada wants to leave but Nomiya says that he will bring her to somewhere as what she wished.

Nomiya asks where Yamada wants to go but she says that she has to go home. However, he says that she's just trying to escape because Mayama did not react as what she wanted. Actually, while trying to test Mayama's feelings towards her, Yamada is also hoping that things will not work out between Rika and Mayama. This makes Yamada very uncomfortable as Nomiya's words seem to be a reflection of how she really feels. She tells Nomiya to stop talking since it's none of his business but he insists that it concerns him since Yamada is using him to get Mayama's attention. He goes on further to say that Yamada has nothing to lose since Mayama knows how she feels and by using his guilt towards her, she can continue to control Mayama in one way or another. Yamada finally breaks down while Nomiya looks on...

Meanwhile, Mayama tries to call Nomiya but the latter's mobile phone is switched off. Morita comes to ask Mayama about Yamada's whereabouts and stands up from the wheelchair after hearing what happened. Mayama then realises that Morita is just feigning injury. Although Mayama wants to tell Hanamoto about this, Morita stops him from saying anything as this might make Yamada embarrassed in future. In the end, Miwako, Yamazaki, Mayama and Morita decide to head to Fujiwara Design for more drinks since the party has ended. At the same time, Nomiya holds Yamada's hand and they walk around the shopping area so that she can calm down.

At Fujiwara Design, Morita asks about Nomiya where Miwako and Yamazaki are full of praises for him. Thus, Morita doesn't understand why Mayama does not like to see Nomiya and Yamada together which Mayama retorts that Nomiya is too scheming and will not be serious about Yamada. Miwako and Yamazaki remark that Nomiya and Mayama are similar in many ways but Mayama doesn't think so. Miwako insists on her view and says that Nomiya finds it a headache to deal with Mayama and vice versa. Besides, Nomiya is not as evil as what Mayama thinks so nothing will happen between Nomiya and Yamada.

Nomiya buys some snacks and brings Yamada to a high-rise building where they can see the ferris wheel. Actually, this was the first project Nomiya took part in so he would come here and get into a daze while staring at it. At the sight of the ferris wheel, Yamada remembers the time when she was alone on the ferris wheel with Mayama where she had wanted the world to end at that moment so that she can be with him forever. Later, Nomiya and Yamada head to a hotel room where they have drinks and cakes on the balcony while watching the ferris wheel.

Nomiya asks Yamada what she sees in Mayama but she doesn't know it herself. Yamada knows that she should have wished Mayama well if she loves him but she can't bear to do it since she had been hoping that things wouldn't work out between him and Rika just as what Nomiya said. Nomiya looks on silently while Yamada starts to cry again.

The next morning, Yamada wakes up to find herself sleeping in the same hotel room with Nomiya and remembers how drunk she got last night. She gets worried about spending the night away from home but Nomiya assures her that things will be fine. Since they are already here, they can have breakfast and take a ride on the ferris wheel before going back...

Actually, I am starting to like Nomiya primarily because he's similar to Morita. They give people the impression that they are frivolous and not serious about anything but in actual fact, they see through how others feel and are not afraid to say it out. However, Nomiya seems more blunt in this aspect as seen from how he talked to Yamada in the car. In addition, these two guys do not reveal their real thoughts and try to protect themselves to a certain extent when interacting with others. That is why I feel that Nomiya and Morita are more similar as compared to Mayama who can be frank and rash at times. Nomiya and Morita think too much at times to go with their hearts like how Mayama behaves in front of Rika.

Nomiya's presence is good for Yamada. I don't mean it in the sense that she can use Nomiya to test Mayama but Nomiya is not afraid to hurt Yamada in his bid to help her come to her senses. It may seem cruel but Yamada really needs someone to give her a rude shock before being able to see what she has to do about her feelings for Mayama. The whole world can give her advice but if nobody tells her the ugly facts, she will continue to deceive herself that everything is fine if the current situation remains constant.

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