Sunday, October 26, 2008

[Monster] めざめるかいぶつ The Awakened Monster - Author Unknown

Title: めざめるかいぶつ The Awakened Monster
Author: Unknown
Japanese translation: Urasawa Naoki
English translation: Chiaki

There stood a huge rock blocking a cave. According to a legend, there was a monster sleeping in the cave. It was said that if the monster can be awakened, one can get anything in the world.

A young boy who lived in the village and led an unhappy life wanted to have everything in the world very badly. The boy went to an elder and asked how he could wake the monster. The elder replied, "In the middle of the night, say the name of the person who is most well-loved and see if you can wake the monster."

Coincidentally, there was a wedding going on in the village. People were singing and dancing happily. While watching this, the boy had an idea and said that he knew who were the most well-loved people. The boy went to the cave and shouted the names of the bridegroom and the bride. "Majenka!! Pepichek!!" However, the monster did not wake up.

In the village, there was a popular man with a lot of strength. The boy then thought, "I know who's the most well-loved person." The boy went to the cave and shouted the name of the the man. "Ijiku!!" However, the monster did not wake up.

There was a woman who boasted of the best vocals and charmed others with her nice voice. The boy then thought, "I know who's the most well-loved person in the world." He went to the cave again and shouted the woman's name. "Maidarenka!!" Again, the monster did not wake up.

There was an elderly couple who had been together for many years. They also had many children and grandchildren. The boy thought again, "I know who's the most well-loved person in the world." He went to the cave and shouted the elderly couple's names. "Bojenka!! Venosik!!" However, the monster did not wake up.

As the boy had seen many happy people, he started to feel as if he had gotten their happiness as well. He gradually forgot about going to the cave.

However, one day, he saw a woman crying at the borders of the village. The woman revealed that her child went missing suddenly. She revealed how much she had loved her child and even whispered her child's name to the boy. He was shocked upon hearing it and thought, "I know who's the most well-loved person in the world."

The boy rushed to the cave and thought to himself, "The lady's child's name is the same as mine. The name of the most well-loved person in the world is the same as mine."

The boy shouted his name at the cave. Subsequently, the rock slowly moved away. Upon seeing the monster, the boy was...

Rip rip, crush crush, crack crack, gulp.

The boy's name was...

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