Monday, October 20, 2008

[Monster] へいわのかみさま (The God of Peace) - Klaus Poppe

Original title: Buh Miru
Japanese title: へいわのかみさま
English title: The God of Peace
Author: Klaus Poppe
Japanese translation: Urasawa Naoki
English translation: Chiaki

The God of Peace was very busy. He had to blow his trumpet all day long and didn't have time to look into the mirror.

The God of Peace's trumpet brought happiness to everyone. He did not have any time to look into the mirror and poured amazing water to the land. The water created lush mountains, made farming land fertile and grew flowers in the process.

The God of Peace was very busy. He did not have time to look into the mirror and gave names to everyone.

"Your name is Otto. Your name is Hans. Your name is Tomas."

"And your name is Johan."

Johan gave his hat to the God of Peace as an expression of thanks for giving him a name.

The God of Peace was very happy and wanted to see how he looked with the hat. That was when he first looked at himself in the mirror.

However, the reflection in the mirror was that of the devil.

The devil said, "You are me. And I am you."

The God of Peace thought, "What should I do? If this devil exists, everyone will not be able to live happily. What should I do? What should I do?"

The troubled God of Peace decided to...

(Story ended at this juncture with half a page torn. I believe this was deliberate by the publishers where the ending was not meant to be included in the Monster picture book.}

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