Friday, March 25, 2005

Tantei Gakuen Q

Finished all 45 episodes of this anime at long last...

Well, I started watching because of the manga which was very interesting. Same authors as Kindaichi but in Tantei Gakuen Q, we have 5 characters with their individual strengths coming together to solve cases unlike Kindaichi who does it all by itself. I would think that the anime for Tantei is of higher quality but then Kindaichi was made many years ago so there's a case of different technologies being used. As for the OPs and EDs, Kindaichi has better ones than Tantei. Some of the songs in Tantei made me cringe but the BGM is good. Seiyuu-wise, it's quite nice but in Kindaichi, the main character's voice just seems so rough to me. There's a difference between coarse and rough as compared to deep and sexy.

Anyway, seems like the final 2 episodes attempted to settle the entire story in a hurry. In the manga, Kyuu still doesn't know that Renjou Satoru is his dad but in the anime, he knows it so easily when Dan-sensei tells him. Oh well, and that baddie in the anime from Meiousei doesn't seem to have appeared in the manga. Besides, in the anime, they didn't go into details on Ryu's links with Meiousei which should be further explored in the manga which is only at Vol 18. Hopefully, it can go on for a long time instead of Kindaichi which ends at him heading on a tour to somewhere on his bicycle. The next volume would only be out in May and that's a long long time away...

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