Sunday, April 10, 2005

Marmalade Boy (so far at 6 eps)

Generally, an interesting anime based on the episodes so far and surprise, Okiayu-san appears again as the seiyuu of Matsuura Yu, the lead character!! Haha, it really must be fate for me to watch three animes which feature him i.e. Tenipuri, Slam Dunk and now Marmalade Boy. This also means that he is in the business for a long time since MB was made more than 10 years back, around the same time as Slam Dunk. ^__^

The female character's voice is a bit screechy though and the graphics not that fantastic. I can't really complain since it's an anime so far back in time so I can't use the standards of today to compare. Anyway, what matters most to me is the storyline rather than the graphics. Besides, I think the picture quality is affected by the relatively small size of the files. Each episode is less than 100 MB so there's not much to expect.

Songs-wise, it's quite catchy and memorable though and is very typical early 90s pop. Just cannot stand the fact that the guys' shorts are really SHORT when they play tennis (tennis again??!! - I can't seem to break away from tennis ^__^ ). It must be the fashion trend back then. I'm thankful that Tenipuri is made in the present day or else it would be so hillarious to imagine the guys wearing such tight and short pants!!!

Will have to watch more episodes if it is really that good as what I hear about...

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