Monday, September 19, 2005

Hagane no Renkin Jutsushi (Fullmetal Alchemist) Ep 32 - Fukai Mori no Dante (Dante in the deep forest)

Al decides to take revenge on Wrath for taking Ed's limbs but Izumi tries to stop him. Wrath has no intention to repay her kindness and launches his counterattack against the brothers. Al explains that he finally understands that Wrath is able to use alchemy because he has Ed's limbs despite him being a Homcrest. The brothers are bent on regaining what Ed has lost but Izumi steps in again to spoil their attacks...

Izumi creates a deep valley to separate Ed and Al from Wrath thus giving him a chance to escape. When Ed and Al search around for Wrath, they are surprised to see the King and Juliet (i.e. Envy and Sloth) at the beach. The King says that they are trying to find the people who attempted human alchemy which is banned and says this is of more importance than finding Wrath. In order to protect Izumi, the brothers decide to drop their search for Wrath who is actually hiding in Sloth's body.

Meanwhile, in Sram, Scar is questioning the mysterious man as to why he taught Scar's brother how to perform human alchemy. He simply replies nonchalantly that he only told Scar's brother about the past of the Isbal people and his brother was the one who found out the logic behind that. Just then, Leo and Rick come to look for Scar in a hurry...

At the same time, the millitary has arrived to look for Scar where Hawkeye is negotiating with Scar's teacher on sending the Isbal people back to their designated area in the south. However, before they do that, the millitary would have to check through everyone's names and faces so that they can find Scar. Yoki insists to Mustang that he did see Scar and goes to the Isbal people to demand that they turn Scar in. Suddenly, Yoki is shot on his forehead followed by a number of shots on his body which is actually the doing of Lust and Gluttony. This causes some panic as the soldiers misunderstand that the Isbal people are firing shots at them and they retalliate. However, when Mustang's men stop them, it is too late as a number of the Isbal people have been hit. Lust and Gluttony then create chaos by instigating the people to fight against the millitary. Mustang decides that it's time for him to step in and suppress the crowd...

Izumi tells Ed and Al that they will no longer be her students so they prepare to leave Dublith. When Sigu sends them off at the train station, he reveals that Izumi's words mean that the brothers will be regarded as equal-standing individuals to Izumi in future instead of students who have to do her bidding. Thus, the brothers return to Izumi's place and insist on finding out more on Kenja no Ishi which should exist in the first place instead of depending on the red water crystals to create it. Izumi then tells them to visit Mdm Dante who is living in the forest so as to get her medicine and find out more on Kenja no Ishi from her.

Unknown to them, Archer has sent men to tail the Elric brothers as he's still bewildered by what happened at the Southern Command Centre. Even though Central told him that the King was there yesterday, the subsequent confirmation today mentioned that the King had come to the south alone. As such, Archer feels that by keeping a lookout on the brothers, he will be able to find the kimera and Kimbly as well as Wrath.

Greed and his men are walking through a misty forest where he remarks that he's going somewhere to check something and asks them to return to Devil's Nest (their hideout).

At Mdm Dante's place, the brothers are shocked to see Lyra who helped the evil Yoki in the past. It seems that Lyra is now Mdm Dante's student and she has turned over a new leaf. Mdm Dante reveals that Izumi used to be her student and starts to prepare her medicine. However, they do not realise that Greed is there too where he prepares to proceed with his plan. He gets his men to assemble at Mdm Dante's house so as to ambush the Elric brothers.

When asked about Kenja no Ishi, Mdm Dante tells the brothers to drop the idea of finding it as it is rumoured that misfortune will befall those who pursue it. She also remarks that the brothers resemble their father, Hohenheim which makes Ed angry at the mention of him and he leaves the room immediately.

In Mdm Dante's garden, Greed and Kimbly appear in front of Ed who is knocked out by Greed. Meanwhile, Greed's men surround Al and threaten him to leave with them but Al refuses to obey...

At this point in time, it is still unknown what Greed is actually after since he can use alchemy and should not have the same aim as Lust and gang. Maybe we'll find out more in the next episode when they capture Al to threaten Ed.

It is getting obvious that the King is definitely suspicious with each episode. Notwithstanding the fact that Envy keeps taking his form, Archer and Armstrong has already noticed that something is fishy, judging from the contradicting responses as to the King's whereabouts from Central. Even if Sloth/Juliet can control the information, the real King should sense that his secretary is not simple and has ulterior motives. Unless...he turns out to be the 7th Homcrest member? They keep saying that there's 7 of them but I only see 6 so far. And Greed seems to know Dante beforehand...

As for Mustang's side, he's in some trouble since the suppression of the Isbal people will probably bring repercussions to threaten his career prospects. Whether he captures Scar is not so important now given that he has the rioting people to control. As for Scar, the drawings on his arm seem to have a profound meaning and he keeps saying that this arm was given by his brother. I'm puzzled by what he means by this.

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