Friday, June 16, 2006

Hachikuro Real-life movie promotion clips

As the "Hachimitsu to Clover" real-life movie is due to be shown in Japan soon, here's 2 clips I found on YouTube which offer sneak previews of the film. Credits go to the original uploaders.

The first clip is an one-minute scene where Takemoto (Sakurai Sho) asks Hagu (Aoi Yu) to join him for lunch if Hanamoto (Sakai Masato) is not free to accompany her. Frankly speaking, I was quite apprehensive about Sakurai playing Takemoto primarily due to his smart and confident image while Takemoto seems rather insecure and lacks self-confidence but he does impress me with his ability to "stammer" like Takemoto when speaking to Hagu. On the other hand, Aoi Yu does resemble Hagu to a certain extent and her sweet-saccharine voice fits the image perfectly. Alas, the movie has to be shown in Japan first before we wait for at least 6 months to see the DVD.

The second clip features the press conference of Hachikuro last year aired via FujiTV's Mezamashi on 19 Oct. You can see some images of the cast plus Sakurai Sho making comments about being mistaken as a staff as he was wearing a T-shirt and shorts.

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